Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Yarn Dreaming

I am doing some serious yarn dreaming. My sister gave me this yarn for Christmas. It is hand spun and dyed from Wales and its beautiful. It has to be to make something for myself..... but what!

I have been perusing the book "One Skein Wonders, 101 Yarn Store Favourites" and it has so many great ideas! Decisions, decisions!

And this I ordered online. It is organic wool - 2 skeins of black, one each of blue, purple and oatmeal. It is such beautiful wool... what should I make out of it?!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What I have been doing instead of making hats...

I have been busy and it has mostly been needle arts. And I do have a couple of almost finished hats hanging around that will be finished shortly (right after I finish Nancy's). Christmas brought a list of things that I would like to make for gifts. Of course, my imagination is always more ambitious than I actually have time for but I did get a lot done.

I made this duvet and duvet cover for my daughter, Erin. You can read about it here

I also made 3 pairs of these. They are a felted slipper which means that you make them huge and then purposely shrink them to come up with a thick, felted fabric. These are actually the last pair I made for a friend who is a Philly fan. They will match previous year's gifts of a orange, white and black toque and mitts. Next year it will have to be a scarf...

Here they are shrunken - hopefully to a ladies size 9...

And here are the first pair I made on the happy feet of the owner. Dean had been complaining about not having slippers for months before.

The second pair went to my sister for Christmas. They were black with red trim on the opening. I had a lot of fun learning how to make them. However, knitting just takes me so much longer. I could have made 3 hats in the time it took me to make one slipper....